From biology teacher to Colorado marijuana magnate

ColoradoHarvestCompanyWhen you speak with Tim Cullen, it’s immediately obvious that he knows a lot about the science of growing marijuana.

As the CEO of Colorado Harvest Company, he could probably talk nonstop about how he has perfected the grow operation at his massive Denver facility, which can hold about 8,000 medical and recreational plants.

And once you find out what he did for a living before starting to grow and sell pot commercially in 2009, his intense knowledge about the subject makes perfect sense.

“I was a high school biology teacher for 10 years before I jumped on this crazy train that has been my life for the last six years,” he said, chuckling that he is sometimes the victim of “Breaking Bad” jokes.

Cullen has developed an intricate system to increase plant productivity. The types of lights he uses in his indoor grow mimic only two seasons: fall and spring. He also increases reproduction by confusing the plants about which direction is up.

Read the rest of the article by Lori Jane Gliha, which includes a video:

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